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Understanding the Registered Herbalist (RH) Designation

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

What to Know About Registered Herbalists in Alberta

● Herbalists Associations are self-governing organizations providing recommendations for education, ethics, & scope of practice to

Registered Herbalists

Herbalists associations set a standard for self-regulation within our industry - we have codes of ethics, codes for practice, and education standards for Registered Herbalists. These codes and policies are set forward by the Canadian Council of Herbalists Associations (CCHA), with a view to providing safe, ethical & effective services to any member of the public who consults a herbalist registered with a provincial association.

Herbalists registered with an association such as the AHA have responsibilities to practice

according to their training and education, always putting the safety of the client first.

Complaints about the conduct of a Registered Herbalist can be made to the AHA’s Standards

& Bylaws Committee – Registered Herbalists who are found to have put the safety of a client

or the public at risk face removal from the association.

● AHA bestows herbalists who have met requirements with the honorary designation “Registered Herbalist” (RH)

The RH designation is one way we let the public know who we deem to be a well-educated and experienced herbalist. Registered Herbalists must provide proof that they meet the educational standards and Continuing Education (CE) standards of the AHA. Registered Herbalists must be members in good standing, with no criminal record, and are in active practice as consulting herbalists. All Registered Herbalists are required to adhere to the codes of ethics and conduct as presented by the AHA.

Please consult our Registered Herbalists directory for a list of AHA Professional Members in good standing.

● Herbalism is not a regulated profession in Alberta or Canada. Herbalists are not covered under Alberta Health Care, and may not bill AHS for services

There is no association or governing body in Canada that provides credentials to herbalists at

the government level. Because of the unregulated nature of the industry, it is important to

consult your provincial association’s list of Registered Herbalists when choosing a herbalist for

a health consultation.

Herbalists may not bill Alberta Health Services for consultations or formulas. Some 3rd party

insurance plans may provide coverage for herbalist consultations – please consult your

insurance provider for information.

● AHA is not a licensing body. Herbalists are permitted to practice by registering their business at their local registry, & obtaining a Business ID number

There is no licensing authority for herbalists in Canada. Herbalists in Alberta are governed as

Health Professionals under Alberta Health Services. No registration is required with AHS,

however you can contact AHS if you have questions about providing herbal formulas to your


● Why is Herbalism Not Regulated by the Government?

The government is interested in regulating professions that may pose a danger to the general

public – because herbalism (when practiced with care and knowledge by a trained herbalist) is

generally safe and carries minimal risk of side effects, the government is not interested in

regulating at this time.

As herbalists, we believe using plants for health is the birthright of every living being. To

protect every persons’ access to medicinal herbs and plants, and in consultation with experts,

the CCHA and our herbalist members, we have decided against pursuing government

regulation for the time being.

Please contact For more information regarding the role & responsibilities of Registered Herbalists

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Good and steak information

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